The Upper Derwent Benefice has a small band of committed ringers who ring regularly throughout the Benefice, at all of our towers. Where possible, the volunteers also help out with ongoing maintenance and securing external funding.
The band is very keen on training the next generation of ringers, developing talent and the wider Bellringing Association.
Our bells have rung for many generations, sharing joy and sadness, calling the faithful to worship, and warning of perils.
We are fortunate to have three interesting rings of bells within the Benefice:
- All Saints’, Brompton-by-Sawdon. The oldest two bells (3 & 5) date from c.1500, and one (4) from 1620. In 1991 a major project carried out by Whitechapel Foundry with local help saw the bells rehung in a new metal frame, with two trebles added. Parts of the medieval frame, together with many Victorian fittings, remain in the tower. 5, Tenor 8-0-19, ground floor.
- St Helen & All Saints’, Wykeham. A Taylor’s of Loughborough ring of five in a metal frame hung on plain bearings replaced an earlier ring of three in 1900. The freestanding tower, originally part of the old Church, was extensively remodelled with the addition of a spire when a new Church was built slightly to the east by William Butterfield c.1853, and now forms the lychgate entrance to the Churchyard. 5, Tenor 9-1-16.
- St Matthew’s, Hutton Buscel. The oldest bell (2) dates from c.1370, whilst the other two were cast in 1902 following a lightning strike! The bells are hung in an oak frame with plain bearings. Recent work, including new clappers, pulleys, sliders and ropes, make them a delight to ring. 3, Tenor 8-1-11, ground floor.
Visitors, experienced ringers and new beginners are all welcome. Bell ringing is a fascinating hobby which provides gentle exercise for mind and body, as well as a social side as part of a team.
Extreme strength or the ability to read music are NOT required – a basic level of fitness, desire to learn a new skill, and a sense of humour ARE!
The origins of what we call change ringing lie in the sixteenth century when church bells began to be hung with a full wheel enabling the bell to swing in a full circle and back again. This gave ringers control of their bell, which allowed sets of bells (rings) to be rung in a continuously changing pattern. Music is created by moving bells up and down the ringing order to a defined sequence known as a method.
Bellringing is a team activity that stimulates the brain and helps keep you fit… it also makes a glorious sound! Many consider ringing to be their contribution to church life, others do it for the pure pleasure it brings.
We have regular practice sessions and ring at various events throughout the year.
Practice night is Thursday, location variable.
We are always on the look out for more to join our team so please contact us for more information.
Tower Captain:
Mr Martin Tubbs
Lead Church: All Saints, Brompton
Cost: donations only
Publicity Flyer: Click here
Yorkshire Bell Ringers Association:www.yacr.org.uk/towers.php
Central Council of Church Bell Ringers:www.cccbr.org.uk/bellringing/what-is-bellringing/