The procurement of goods and services is based on value for money, defined as “the best mix of quality and effectiveness for the least outlay over the period of use of the goods or services bought”.
Where possible, we aim to follow best practice, utilise local suppliers/services and use the following procured or offered centrally by The Church of England:
- Parish Buying Energy Basket (backed by 100% renewal electricity)
We invite all local builders, tree surgeons, drain cleaners,electricians, roofers etc to register and tender for work.
The Benefice sets a fix maximum amount we pay for the following, which is reviewed annualy:
– Organist services for weekly church services (contracted) and ad hoc funerals and weddings (agent).
– Verger services for ad hoc funerals and weddings (agent).
– Bellringing at Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals (agent).
In line with Charity Law and church regulations, suppliers and agent fees are paid by bacs or cheque by the relevant church, following receipt of an invoice request.
Guidance on what invoices should include can be found here.
Guidance on income from hobbies can be found here if relevant.