A funeral is used to mark the end of a person’s life here on earth. Family and friends come together to express grief, give thanks for the life lived and commend the person into God’s keeping. These can be a small, quiet ceremony or a large occasion in a packed church.
Your first point of contact is often through your Funeral Director who will liaise with you local church on your behalf. Prior to the funeral the vicar will contact you and arrange to discuss the funeral service of your loved one with you and your family. Your local church is here to support you through this difficult time.
You will find more information about the Church of England and Funerals at www.churchofenglandfunerals.org
You may wish to remember your loved one through:
- Planting a tree or shrub
- Sponsoring bulb planting
- A memorial bench
- Making a donation towards church nature projects
- A memorial plaque or marker
- Making a donation towards church restoration projects
Each item is subject to availability and all memorial objects are subject to a fee. Funds raised are used towards the upkeep of the churchyard.
To find out more please contact the Church Warden of your local church or visit our churchyard webpage.
Church of England Guidance on leaving a lasting gift in your Will can be found here.
* Please note, ownership of any tree, wall, ground etc remains the property of the church.
Funeral Directors
Initial contact should be made by email: Contactus@MoorandDale.church.
Parish Fee remittances must be also sent to the above email address.
Parish Fees must be paid to the retrospective parochial church council (PCC) by bacs and made quoting “PF” for parish Fee, followed by the deceased surname name. Bank details can be found on the individual church webpages.
Collections taken on church grounds can only take place with authority from the incumbent or priest-in-charge.
It is standard practice that the family is invited to nominate a charity (which may include the local church) as a/the beneficiary of the collection taken. The nominated charity must be of good standing and in line with church and christian values.
The FD is responsible for organising (collecting, counting, banking, and distributing) the funeral collection as requested by the family of the deceased.
Whichever charity has been nominated; it is essential that:
- it is specifically named in any service sheet, card and/or envelope distributed at the church,
- it is announced or otherwise clearly specified in church before the collection is made,
and / or
- a sign is in place next to the collection plate/donation box.
Once such an announcement has been made, or a collection taken, the charity or object cannot thereafter be altered.
When a collection is made a trust is created and whoever receives the moneys (the Funeral Director) holds them as trustee for the charity specified.
Please note: It is not possible to claim Gift Aid on donations being passed onto another charity. Any donations placed in a Gift Aid envelope in the name the church will be retained by the church in line with the donors wishes.
At least 48hrs before a burial takes place, the clergy or the person taking the service must be satisfied that a ‘certificate of disposal’ of the body (‘the green form’) has been issued by the registrar of births and deaths, or a corresponding order made by the coroner (in-line with section 1 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1926).
The Funeral Director is responsible for ensuring the correct documentation is provided in advance to avoid any misunderstandings on the day.
It is the responsibility of the funeral organiser / Funeral Director to make sure the funeral is planned and held safely, with minimum disruption to the local community and other highway users.
If a parking suspension or dispensation is required, it should be organised by the Funeral Director well in advanced of the day with Scarborough Borough Council, following consultation with the relevant church (if large numbers are expected, further consultation may be required, eg with the local Parish Council).
NB: Each church is a charity run by volunteers and the member of clergy is provided by York Diocese.